Friday, February 23, 2007


Aurasa: the son a man begets from his own wedded wife is the first in rank.

Kshetraja: the son begotten by the union of a wife with another man according to the peculiar law of the Niyoga.

Datrima: the boy (equal in caste) given away willingly by his mother or his father.

Gudhotpanna: the boy whose father is not known belongs to him of whose wife he was born of.

Apavidha: he who is received as a son, after he has been deserted by both or either of his parents.

Kanina: a son whom a damsel secretly bears in the house of her father belongs to him who weds her afterwards.

Sahodha: the son begotten of a bride pregnant at the time of marriage. If one marries such a bride, either knowingly or unknowingly, the child in her womb belongs to him who weds her, and is a son received with the bride.

Kritaka: the boy a man buys from his father and mother for the sake of having a son.

Paunarbhava: The son born of a woman who had been married earlier and has of her own accord contracted a second marriage and borne a son.

Swayamdatta: He who, having lost his parents or being abandoned by them, gives himself as a son to another man.

Parasava: The son begotten by a Brahman through lust on a Shudra woman.

In addition to these eleven, any man who participates in the funeral ceremony of a departed may substitute for a son


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